Find Touch Continuing Education Courses

Craniosacral Certification with Lauren Christman

The Certification Program is expressly designed for students who want to dedicate themselves to developing Craniosacral therapy as a primary modality in their practice. It offers a highly focused, in-depth training with the exploration, supervision, and feedback necessary for students to develop a full Craniosacral practice with competence and confidence. Being certified also allows the practitioner to market themselves with a tangible credential. Upon certification, with their permission, Crafted Touch lists practitioners on its website as part of its referral network.

lauren-cs-class-1a.jpgThe Certification Program moves students beyond the foundations of protocol-driven treatments to a wider range of treatment possibilities, and fosters the skills of moment-to-moment decision making as well as the depth of presence that prepares them to accompany their clients through their discomfort, pain, and pathologies toward genuine healing. The Core Series provides the foundation of craniosacral knowledge and application; the Elective Classes enable students to expand their technical and interpersonal skills following their own interests. The added time and study allows for deepening into the work within a supervised and collegial circle – honing intuition, personal depth, and their trust in their healing abilities.

Certification Program requirements are as follows:

  • 4 Core Series Classes, each 28 hours long over 4 days (112 hours)
  • 4 Integration Days, each 7 hours(28 hours)
  • 4 Electives, each 21 hours long over 3 days (84 hours)
  • 45 Client Records reviewed (90 hours)
  • 2 Case Studies (50 hours)
  • 16 two-way exchanges with fellow students (24 hours)
  • 10 professional sessions received (15 hours)
  • Successful completion of 3 exams (6 hours)
  • Required readings
  • Study time
  • Total of 230 in-class clock hours

Prerequisite -- Craniosacral Introductory Workshop or permission from Instructor.

For total program details click HERE.

Start Date: November 6, 2024
Cost: $5,695

Prerequisite Class:

For more information, and to register, please visit:

Robbin Blake
Therapeutic Training Center
P: 206.853.6875

Taught By Lauren Christman, LMT, CCST; NCBTMB #450788-08
When Wednesday, November 06, 2024 09:30 AM
Where Therapeutic Training Center 700 NW 42nd St Ste 247 (Office only, not a classroom. See location link provided above.)
Seattle, WA 98107
CE Hours 230
Price $5,695
Posted Sunday, July 07, 2024 02:41 PM
