About Find Touch
Find Touch, Inc. is a Seattle-based business founded in January of 2007. At the outset, the Find Touch team set out to address a problem it observed to be industry-wide. The fundamental problem it observed was that spas, massage clinics, medical offices and other businesses that employ massage professionals frequently have difficulty finding substitute staff on short-notice. Meanwhile, massage professionals are frequently looking for extra income opportunities. What was missing from the picture was a convenient way for the two sides to discover each other and communicate quickly so that last-moment and temporary job openings could be filled.
Created Specifically for the Massage Community
The Find Touch team recognized that if it could provide an easy-to-use, convenient technology that would help connect massage professionals and massage employers when these traditionally hard-to-fill work opportunities arose, this would be a win-win-win. Not only would employers and professionals both increase their earnings, consumers would also be better served, facing far fewer rescheduled or canceled appointments and experiencing a new level of reliability and professionalism across the industry. After the service launched in the Fall of 2007, hiring companies told us that while they liked having Find Touch for temporary staffing situations, what would make the service even more convenient is if it could accommodate the full range of hiring needs, from fill-ins to permanent full-time massage positions. We listened and made the necessary changes and that is how the Find Touch evolved to what it has become today - the premier full fledged job connections service for the massage community.
Backed by Industry leading Massage companies
Built in collaboration with Seattle-based employers and local LMPs, Find Touch is truly tailored for the massage industry. The company is committed to following practices that ensure utmost confidentiality and security of any transactions and data exchanged through Find Touch. To ensure adherence to these practices and high usability of the service, Find Touch drew on guidance of its Industry Advisory Council which includes the following companies:
Legal Information
Your use of the Find Touch service constitutes your acceptance of these legal agreements.
Find Touch, Inc.
916 N.E. 65th Street Seattle, WA 98115